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Front Row from Charles Worthington

아놔~정말 굳굳굳이란 말밖에 없네...
완전 내가 좋아하는 아이디어다. 흠..죽이는구먼

"Front Row from Charles Worthington targets a fashion savvy consumer at the younger end of the brand’s audience. It draws on Charles Worthington and teams vast experience and involvement in the backstage world of catwalk shows. Jkr wanted to convey not just the flair and drama of this world, but also the professional nature of the brand and its products. Their solution stretched from generating the name through to innovative packaging where the product descriptor and other graphics can be peeled off to reveal a purely decorative pack. The idea is that this “peeled pack” makes for a stronger statement when pulled out of a handbag in the club bathrooms, and has more decorative appeal back home in the bathroom. It also means that while fashions change,
the outer branding can remain consistent, while the inners can change, or be used as specific limited editions, such as the range of three already designed by Erdem."
